8 Surprising Facts about Ford Motor Company
Explore these 8 crazy facts about Ford Motor Company to learn more about this pioneering car company.
Updated: July 20, 2023 // Did You Know?

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Ford Motor Company, founded by Henry Ford in 1903, is one of the largest automobile manufacturers in the world. Ford has been a well-known brand for more than 100 years, thanks to its long history and many new ideas. However, despite its widespread recognition, there are several unusual facts about the company that not many people know. Let us know if you ever heard of these crazy Ford facts.
1. Ford was the First Company to Offer Employee Benefits
Ford became the first company to offer its employees a minimum wage and a five-day workweek. This was a significant shift in the way that companies treated their employees, and it helped to improve worker morale and reduce turnover. Ford was also a good place to work because it had benefits like profit sharing, health insurance, and paid vacations. These benefits helped increase productivity and profitability for the company, and they have since been adopted by many companies around the world.
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2. Ford Produced Tanks During World War II
During World War II, Ford was contracted to produce tanks for the Allied forces. The company was able to produce more than 8,000 tanks during the war, making a significant contribution to the war effort. This demonstrated Ford’s commitment to supporting the country during times of need, as well as its ability to quickly and efficiently adapt its production processes to meet the demands of war production.
3. Ford Produced Plastic Cars
In the 1940s, Ford introduced a car made entirely of plastic. The car was designed to be lightweight and fuel-efficient, and it was made using a process known as fiberglass molding. Despite its innovative design, the car was not a commercial success and was discontinued after a few years. Nevertheless, it was a bold experiment that demonstrated Ford’s commitment to exploring new materials and technologies and pushing the boundaries of what was possible in the automobile industry.
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4. Ford’s First Car Was Called the “Quadricycle”
The “Quadricycle,” a straightforward four-wheeled vehicle with a gasoline engine, was Ford’s first car before the company produced iconic models like the Ford Mustang and Ford Focus. Ford created and built the car in his garage at home, making it the first vehicle to bear the Ford Motor Company name. This early attempt to make cars was a turning point in the company’s history. It showed that Ford was determined to make his dream of affordable cars come true.
5. Ford Owned the Lincoln Motor Company
Ford owned the Lincoln Motor Company, which was originally founded in 1917. Ford started selling Lincoln in 1922, which was one of the most prestigious luxury car brands in the country. Today, Lincoln is still a premium brand and a division of the Ford Motor Company. This ownership of a luxury car brand showcases Ford’s diverse range of offerings and its commitment to serving a variety of customer segments, from budget-conscious consumers to those looking for the ultimate in luxury and performance.
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6. Ford Had a Dealership on the Moon
In 1969, Ford signed a deal with NASA to provide vehicles for the Apollo moon landing missions. As part of the agreement, Ford established a dealership on the moon, making it the first and only automobile dealership on another celestial body. This new way of exploring space showed that Ford is committed to pushing the limits of what is possible and is willing to try out new technologies and frontiers. It also showed how flexible and reliable Ford vehicles are, since they were chosen for such an important and difficult mission.
7. Ford Produced Electric Cars in the 1990s
Before Tesla began production, Ford introduced a line of electric cars, including the Ford Ranger EV and the Ford Th!nk in the 1990s. These vehicles were designed to be environmentally friendly and were powered by electricity rather than gasoline. Despite their innovative design, the cars were not a commercial success and were discontinued after a few years. Nevertheless, this early foray into electric cars demonstrates Ford’s commitment to exploring alternative fuels and its determination to make a positive impact on the environment.
8. Henry Ford Didn’t Invent the Automobile
Even though Henry Ford didn’t invent the car, he changed the way cars were made by introducing the idea of mass production. Prior to Ford’s innovations, cars were luxury items that only the wealthy could afford. With the introduction of the Model T in 1908, Ford was able to produce cars at a rate of one every 93 minutes, making them affordable for the average person. The use of assembly line techniques allowed for the quick and effective production of cars, which made this possible. The Model T became a symbol of the American Dream, and its affordability and reliability helped to popularize the automobile and paved the way for the modern automobile industry.
In the end, these eight unusual facts about Ford Motor Company show how committed the company is to innovation, how much it cares about its customers, and how willing it is to take risks and push limits to reach its goals. Ford has always been at the forefront of progress and change, from its early days as a pioneering automaker to its current role as an industry leader. Its impact on the auto industry and on society as a whole cannot be overstated.
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